junior high school

A St. Francis Cainta Christmas Greeting from Our Family to Yours...

How to We Greet Jesus? ( A Christmas Poem)
By the St. Francis Cainta Family

Christmas in the Philippines is simply fun
We start three months early 
and we only just begun

Young children cheer because its a long vacation
Adults rejoice because holiday bonus throughout the nation
We eat and we feast like there is no tomorrow 

while others drink and be marry to drown out their sorrows
We carefully deliberate our Christmas list
Hoping  Santa, family, and friend brings us nice gifts.

We visit tito and tita, lolo and lola hoping for some cash
So much things to buy don’t spend all that in a flash 
So much things to do,  so much places to see

Malls, gatherings, and holiday parties what else should it be?
Yet despite of all this celebration
Let us not forget who brought us our salvation.

Two Thousand years ago in a town far away
Humanity received  greatest gift in every way
In a humble little manger, is a baby boy

More valuable then silver, gold, or any precious alloy
His name is Christ and Christmas is his birthday
The proof of God’s greatest love we should never betray

So how do we greet Jesus in this special time?
First, We tell him through prayer thanking him all the time

Then we go to church with our family to celebrate his birth
And spend time with our love ones and value their worth.

So from the bottom of our hearts
we will greet you of course 

Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday Jesus
From the St. Francis Family to Yours

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